Swanigan Family

Swanigan Family
Dustin, Derrick, Angie, Mike and Paige

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


First, I have to say I’m sorry this has taken so long but it has been a busy couple of days and I did not have internet yet. Since I knew I wouldn’t have anything to post right away I delayed paying the $75 they wanted for a week’s worth of internet until I knew I would have time to use it.

So, for those of you who don’t know they call the day you get your baby Gotcha Day. For the first day we are just guardians. Then on the next day you become the adoptive parents. Our Gotcha Day was March 8th and the date of adoption was March 9th. We did not get to go to the adoption center until afternoon on the 8th. We had to wait all morning. We slept in, we ate breakfast, we read our books, the boys did homework and eventually the time passed. We got to the Adoption Center in Guangzhou a little after 2:30 and they told us our babies were still on the way (the drive from Huazhou City is kind of hazy, some said 5 hours some said 6 or 7). Either way, it was a long way and they were late. Most of our group took a seat on the couches in front of the elevators to wait. The elevators doors opened and out walked a group with babies. Well, we didn’t think anything of it until Simon (our local guide) said those are your babies! We were all like oh my gosh they walked right by us and we didn’t even know. So we made our way in to the crowded room where everyone just stands in the middle and when they call your babies name they bring her out and you get her. I wanted to post a video here but it wouldn't let me email it.

Her hair is so much longer than her referral picture. I thought they would keep it cut short and I’d have to wait that much longer for it to grow out but they didn’t. They let us spend a while with the baby and then they call you in to make the donation. Then you get to leave for your “harmonious period”. It was off to the supermarket to buy any supplies we needed (like formula and rice crackers). And in our case snacks for the boys. Then it was back to the hotel with a 15 minute break and then one parent had to go fill out paperwork with the adoption coordinator. Of course, that would be me (Angie). So, Mike and the boys got to spend an entire hour playing with her without me! By the time I got back they had her laughing. We gave her a bath and a bottle and put her to bed around 10 and she slept until we woke her up at 7 AM!

Dustin and Derrick (especially Derrick) have really bonded with her. We can hardly keep Derrick away. He is always playing with her, wanting to feed her, push the stroller whatever he can do. It is very cute and I have the pictures to prove it.
On Tuesday we went back to the Adoption Center to finalize the paperwork. Then it was off to Shaimen Island to take a visa photo and do some shopping. The shopping was great but we wore out before we finished with all the stores. We will make another trip to the island on Saturday for the medical check and do some more shopping then.

Since the internet connection I paid for won't let me post pics, this will be tmy last entry until we get home. Sorry guys.

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