Swanigan Family

Swanigan Family
Dustin, Derrick, Angie, Mike and Paige

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Waiting still...

Well, we are still waiting. Seems like after 4 years a couple more months would seem like nothing but it seem like forever, it does.

We finally got an email today from our agency to verify our travel info (names, passport numbers, etc). I got it sent back as quick as I could so they could mail all our stuff over to China. That is the first step before we can get a Travel Approval and then appointments.

I've been going through some of the stuff I've got from Cheryl the last couple of nights. Now some of you have seen my kitchen and I still think where am I going to put all these bottles and snack containers. There has to be a bunch of stuff in those cabinets that needs tossed just where to start. I have too many cabinets to have this issue!

We still need to work on the walls in Paige's room too. I've got the wooden letters to spell her name so now Mike needs to paint them and put hangers on them. And we need to put the chinese word stick ons that Kristen gave us up. They were rolled up in the container so I have those laying under some books to flatten out.

I guess I'm passing the time tomorrow at Bonkers if the weather permits. Both boys have straight A's for the quarter so that means a reward trip with a friend and Derrick has chose Bonkers and since it is a snow day tomorrow again he thinks he is ready to collect. I'm sure Dustin will want a bigger trip (he already gets Branson and White Water for the 1st quarter so who knows what he'll ask for this time). I might have to rethink my new reward program though it seems to be working as this is the 1st time I can remember both boys having all A's in the same quarter and I don't think Dustin has had all A's since he left elementary school (and even then is wasn't always all A's just occassionally). Don't get me wrong he gets good grades, it is just a mixture of A's and B's. I guess the reward must be good enough to make them work harder and that was the goal.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, the four years is easy compared to the last couple of months. Hoping it all goes smoothly for you from here on out!
